Photographers Research

Taking an image, freezing a moment reveals how rich reality truly is and how precious it is to live in the moment. Photography is capturing the memories so we can share in the beauty of our experiences with others allowing them to know and meet the bueaty within all of us.

Nick Knight’s work appeals to me because of how he choose to work with people from all race and gender, his work shows diversity and inclusion.

He also work with nature, colour and embrace his indiviluty which is evident in his work.

Learning to use illustration?

Even though I enjoyed using illustration at first more than photoshop, I still find them both challenging. Learning to use words with images to tell stories and to create time map in the form of magazines, books or posters was a change from what I am used to.

But, I am making the most of it, embracing these new mile stones during my journey of developing my creative skills and being able to create designs using technology.

Illustration is a more direct way of getting the attention and focus on the main point, while demonstrating something clearly using attention grabbing images, font size, colours to lighten or enhance the reader moods.

Editorial: Jamaica, The Caribbean and Countries in Africa

Jamaica the place I call home, The Caribbean and African countries share lots of things in culture and people. This is my way of paying homage to my country and finding a way to show love and respect.

This is a representation of my interpretation of where Jamaica is coming from how she has grown and her lasting impact on the world. Here you can see a bit of Jamaica’s strength in its past, present and future reflecting on my story board.

The Jamaican image is apart of my physical portfolio and as you go through you will see a few more images, of the Caribbean and African countries that inspired me. They appeal to me because they are representing these countries while giving information that you would not see in most places. These show the concept and thought process in creating my mood-board.

I enjoy working with colours, learning about people and their culture and how this affects their fashion sense. The brighter the colours the more I come alive when working with them. The images are not just simple pictures but also detailed information about these countries and their people.

The first editorial mood-board at the beginning of this page was what I used as inspiration when doing research to create my mood-board. I was inspired by the layout, the use of different colours and font sizes to line-up and match the images, so that the text becomes almost an image in itself.

The mood-boards on African countries come from teams of celebration of country pride in it’s people and their strengths. They gives off the feeling of happiness, togetherness and country strength.

Uni Day

Exploring Central London and doing his best pose after visiting/Uni(Alex)

Blending in

Evaluation of Physical Portfolio

When I came on to the course it was to pursue a life-long ambition and dream of studying fashion, progress to university and eventually working with a top designer to gain exposure and experience leading to opening my own business.

Part of this process has been creating a portfolio to demonstrate and show my skills at university interviews. It has been a steep learning curve, with challenges of high and low, which I have embraced while progressing on this journey. 

I have surprised myself with how much I have learnt and I am also very pleased with the level of growth and quality of my work. 

I feel that my portfolio express me and my individuality, quirkiness and love of bright colours, diversity and inclusiveness. 

Some areas have been a struggle, for example, technology units that includes parts of Photoshop, which involved using adobe software. 

I have worked extremely hard to learn these skills as they are so important in the design industry and I am now really embracing these skills that are vastly improving. 

For example these Skills that are now evidence in my Textiles and Portfolio Development and Presentation units.

My favourite work so far is in Skin and Bone, discovering Picasso and the link between his work and mine, I have also been developing drawing style of my own that show my intense individuality and quirkiness. 

I am immensely happy with my portfolio.

 The feedbacks from my interviews have now help me to secure multiply choice in University placements such (Ual) London School of Fashion and University of East London for the upcoming academic year September 2019.